
Mestre Yoji Senna

Mestre Yoji Senna

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Our teacher, Mestre Yoji Senna was born in 1963 in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil. He is the son of Mestre Carlos Senna — a disciple of Mestre Bimba and the founder of the third school of capoeira in 1955, Centro De Pesquisa, Estude E Instrução De Capoeira Senavox.

Mestre Yoji Senna received the light of capoeira from his father while studying in the Colegio Militar de Salvador in 1975. He became the youth champion of the state of Bahia in 1977. Later moving to Argentina, he introduced capoeira to the Brazilian Embassy Cultural Center and to the University of Buenos Aires. He founded and directed the University of Buenos Aires’ Departamento de Cultura Afro-Americana from 1987 to 1991.

In 1992, Mestre Yoji Senna moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he founded the Afro-Brazilian Capoeira Association.